On Thursday, February 9th, Guidepoint Insights is hosting a series of five panel sessions on emerging trends in generative AI, including discussions on key players, the evolving ecosystem, hardware, and use cases.

To register for Generative AI Day sessions, complete the form below.


    Thursday, February 9th

    9:00 AM ET - Generative AI: Defining a New Era of Tech, Players, Ecosystem, and Infrastructure

    • Former Director of AI and Site Manager, Nvidia NBU

    • Former AI Consultant, OpenAI

    10:00 AM ET - Generative AI: Hardware and Semiconductor Considerations

    • Former VP, Enterprise Go-to-Market, Nvidia

    • Executive Director and Co-Founder, Trova AI Inc.

    12:00 PM ET - EdTech and Education Industry Panel: Perspectives on the Potential Implications of Generative AI on the Future of Learning

    • Former Regional Vice President, Instructure Holdings Inc.

    • Founder & CEO, Applied Artificial Intelligence

    • Principal Machine Learning Scientist, Workhelix

    1:00 PM ET - OpenAI's GPT, Google's LaMDA, Anthropic and Jurassic - The LLM Landscape and Roadmap in 2023

    • Former Product, Research & Machine Intelligence Specialist, Google AI

    • Former Member of Technical Staff, OpenAI

    3:00 PM ET - Generative AI: Legal, Safety and Ethical Considerations

    • Former Policy Researcher, AI Policy and Governance at the Center for AI and Digital Policy

    • Member of the European AI Alliance at the European Commission


    To recreate conditions similar to an in-person meeting, this event will be conducted as a Zoom meeting. As such, participants will be able to see/identify each other.