Meet Your Recruiter, Sadie Guzman


Meet Sadie! Sadie is a Regional Talent Acquisition Manager for our Corporate & Client Service teams at Guidepoint. Sadie graduated from the University of Iowa and Texas State University with a BA in Psychology and M.Ed. in Higher Education. Outside of work, Sadie enjoys traveling, watching the Iowa Hawkeyes, working out, and playing in an adult kickball league!

Why did you pursue a career in recruiting?


Sadie: I previously worked in higher education and helped college students land jobs and internships and decided I wanted to be on the other side, giving out offers for jobs and internships! I knew that recruitment would allow me to utilize my skills in project management and passion for helping others achieve their career goals.


What’s your favorite aspect of the recruiting process?


Sadie: I love exposing candidates to Guidepoint and all that our company has to offer! It is exciting to me when a candidate realizes the growth that our company has had and the personal growth they can have if they join. I also love hiring candidates who made a career change and knowing that I helped support them down a new career path is rewarding.


What does a typical interview process and timeline look like?


Sadie: We tend to move pretty quickly in our recruitment process at Guidepoint as we want our candidates to be able to make the best decisions for their careers. We can typically get candidates through their interviews within a couple of weeks and we value providing frequent communication to them to ensure they have a smooth process.


What’s something that typically stands out to you when you’re screening a candidate?


Sadie: It grabs my attention when candidates do their research on Guidepoint and are excited to work here! Our interview process is pretty informal and I enjoy getting to know candidates on a personal level. Candidates stand out when they can also discuss their personal passions and just have an open conversation.


Why did you apply to Guidepoint?


Sadie: I knew someone who worked at the company and had great things to say about our culture. I also wanted to join a company that valued internal growth and had a global focus. I decided to join because during the interview process the team valued my background and realized that I could contribute to the role, despite having no prior experience in recruitment.


How would you describe Guidepoint company culture?


Sadie: Guidepoint’s culture is fast, fun, innovative, and collaborative. Being the size that we are, you get to know people very well across the company and the world. You will quickly find that they want to support you and help you grow in the company. Our organization is a place where you can take on projects that align with your career interests and have the freedom to innovate in your role.


What’s one piece of advice you would give to someone thinking about applying to Guidepoint?


Sadie: Think about your unique value and articulate that throughout the whole application process from your resume to your interviews. Be confident in your skillset and just approach your interviews from a conversational mindset!


Tell us a fun fact about yourself!


Sadie: I am a very competitive person and love being active! I have played in an adult kickball league for over 7 years.